Friday, 17 July 2020

PCS Latest News

Greetings from lockdown Leicester. I’m not annoyed with any of you that live outside the red line but I am jealous.


Here is the latest news.


Statement from The Branch Chair

We are in truly unprecedented times due to Covid-19. Our branch, like so many across both the region and DWP, has been seriously impacted by the C-19 issue since approximately mid-March.


You will be aware we have an ageing BEC. Many reps have significant underlying health conditions. As a result of this a large proportion of our most experienced reps have had to go into isolation due to being in the prescribed vulnerable group following PHE, DWP, and national government guidelines.


In addition to this some of our remaining office-based reps have had to deal with their own issues including hospitalisation, sickness, bereavement, child care, other care, term time, and self-isolation as well as the many other restrictions C-19 has brought.


The CMG part of the branch was fortunate to have a good number of reps based in a single site, with reps on nearly every floor. Due to C-19 this is no longer the case. Equally we have WSD reps also in the vulnerable group and this has impacted our city and county JCP sites. Clearly, due to this, your reps are not as visible as before. We all also need to observe social distancing measures so how and where we conduct meetings will be impacted -  a lot of our own internal PCS meetings are now via telekit or Zoom.


Like for other staff it has taken several weeks or longer for our home based reps to get DWP IT sorted. As you can imagine, having no access to DWP intranet, emails etc. leaves you very isolated. In many cases reps, like our other members, only had their mobiles or landlines and could only access very limited official DWP information.


Nearly 4 months in, nearly all our reps now have DWP IT. This is replicated across the region and wider in DWP. We need to ensure all members at home have the requisite risk assessments and specialist furniture and can work in a safe manner that is not detrimental to the individual’s personal health, safety and welfare. This is a legal requirement and the employer has the duty of care. PCS will ensure this is followed.


It is a real credit to the branch that we could continue our communications to all members both at branch level and by business unit in CMG. A lot of the communications will be generic for DWP as nearly all of the key C-19, HR issues, etc. are negotiated at a national union level.


The branch has a clear process to seek help in this weekly email. As well as this many members approach reps directly. No member seeking help has been declined. In fact some of our reps work well beyond normal business hours in supporting members.


Your elected reps at home and in the office have:


Taken on dozens of personal cases supporting members formally and informally. Due to confidentiality we cannot identify individuals

Undertaken meetings via Zoom / telekit especially in relation to Health and Safety issues

Undertaken informals with CMG and WSD management

Held  weekly regional PCS telekits, more if urgent issues come up

Cross business unit OSN level negotiations are also held on a regular basis

Supported follow up for suspected Covid cases

Undertaken risk assessments across the branch (the recent decision by DWP to open Jobcentres created intense work for a few trained H+S reps)


It is important to remember -


  • DWP as the employer nationally made the decision to designate our members as ‘key workers’. PCS has and continues to push for more home working for all
  • There are a number of Working From Home pilots. These have been selected nationally across DWP business units again this was a DWP decision on which site was selected, clearly we are all disappointed Leicester was not on the list – this decision was made weeks before the local Leicester lockdown, it is a pilot and if it rolls out we should all get a chance to work from home.
  • The concerns of BAME members is being vigorously pursued by PCS at DWP and national civil service level. PCS has sought and after many weeks got DWP to have a bespoke BAME risk assessment. PCS asked for this to be mandatory for all who identify as BAME but DWP refused this. We are now actively asking all BAME members to have the risk assessment. PCS will issue more on this imminently.


The current C-19 pandemic has created immense anxiety for ALL whether at home or in the office, working from home has its own challenges we know some at home would like to be back in the workplace with friends and colleagues. No-one will be untouched in some way by C-19. We must make it safe as possible. The local Leicester lockdown has clearly added to this anxiety. PCS locally, regionally, and nationally is doing its best to protect all our members and workplaces to make it safe.


We generally have very good industrial relations in CMG and WSD. This is positive as we all work towards a common goal to do the very best in a difficult situation. We know our members are aware of the local picture but this joint message was to ensure all members know of the important work being done in the background.

Bash Chilwan

Branch Chair


Harassment, Bullying and Discrimination


Following last week’s call we have listened to the accounts of a number of members. If you wish to speak to a rep please do so. What you say will be treated in strictest confidence.


The DWP information and procedures are here. If you need help and advice please contact a PCS rep. If you need support to take out a case please use the procedures at the bottom of this e-mail. The procedures do have safeguards against recrimination and victimisation and in my experience these do work.


BAME Risk Assessments

It has been recognised that people with a Black, Asian, or Minority Ethnic (BAME) background are affected by Covid-19 disproportionately. After a period of negotiation there is now an individual risk assessment for staff who identify as being from a BAME heritage. See here for details.


The process is here. If you are BAME or if you manage BAME staff please read the procedure. We strongly recommend that managers encourage their BAME staff to have this risk assessment.


Reopening Jobcentres

PCS nationally still have concerns over Jobcentre face to face services are being opened up. We have now concluded negotiations nationally. The draft national risk assessment has not been signed off as the PCS view is that there is no need to open up Jobcentres further to the public. Our Health & Safety reps will fully engage with the process and build in as much mitigation as possible but we won’t formally sign off the assessments.


Leicester City Jobcentres will still not open further for at least another fortnight due to the local lockdown, but would continue to deliver the same service to the public in the same way that we have been doing since national lockdown started.


For county offices we have assurances that the offices would not open unless everything is in place. This includes:

  • Full consultation with PCS locally
  • JCFRA (risk assessment) completed
  • Adequate stocks of PPE for staff, claimants, and visitors (face covering for all plus visors for staff)
  • Screens for desks fitted in a suitable, agreed location
  • A maximum capacity for each site agreed
  • An adequate workable method of crowd control assessed
  • No one forced to work interviewing customers.

This list is not exhaustive.


PCS advice is still to not volunteer to work face to face.


If your Jobcentre opens or you have any concerns, such as being forced to work on front line, please raise these with PCS and your manager so we can try and address them.


Please keep up to date with PCS advice. You will find the latest bulletins including information of JCFRA, the legal position, not volunteering for front line, etc. on the web site here.



PCS has submitted a pay claim of 10%. This goes nowhere near restoring what we have if pay had kept pace with inflation over the last 20 years. The pay offer doesn’t get close to meeting our request. See the PCS position here. The management take on the offer is here. Management have imposed their offer and it will be paid at the end of July.


Reopening Schools

The largest teachers union, NEU, the Leicester and District Trades Union Council (L&DTUC), the Safety First Parents Campaign and others have called an online public meeting on Zoom tomorrow, Saturday 11 July 2020 starting at 11:00. Details are on the branch Facebook page. If you don’t have access and would like joining details please get back to me.



REMEMBER in times of crisis it is more important than ever to join a union. Ask all your colleagues, friends and relations to join a union and if any of your colleagues are members but don’t get this e-mail ask them to e-mail me and ask to be put on the list.


Availability of reps

We now have more reps available to help members but for obvious safety reasons this will be, in many cases, done by e-mail, phone and Skype. We have now set up regular communications with managers at CMG site level and Jobcentre District level feeding in issues from reps and members who are at home and those in work as we still represent all of our members.


Please be patient at this time. We ask managers to defer HR issues where possible so as to enable managers, staff, and reps can concentrate on safety and business continuity.


The following is now in the coronavirus guidance:


You should be flexible and practicable in applying deadlines in any procedures, not just Grievance. Your discretion should be applied, based on the circumstances, to allow reasonable additional time for things to get done in the current situation. This might apply to deadlines for submitting grievances, notice of meetings and time allowed for trade union reps. or note-takers to be obtained. To the greatest extend possible, travel between sites for meetings should be avoided, with participants expected to agree telephone, VC or Skype meetings.


PCS Branch Reps

There is a list of reps on the Branch Blog. Please find out your local one. If you don’t have one on site why not volunteer?


PCS Records

It’s a good idea to make sure that your details are correct, both to comply with GDPR and so that PCS can contact you. You can use the update function, here and or log on to the PCS web site to register or check and update your details. If you cannot update your details please get in touch.


If you get an e-mail, a text, or a call from PCS to check your details and ask about your participation it is genuine. Please say hello from me and help our PCS team.



It is essential that members know what is going on in the union. Please talk to your colleagues and your nearest rep (if you have one on site). There is also information of the web sites. If you register as above you will receive information about campaigns and what is going on in PCS.



The more members we have the stronger we are. We are planning an extra push on recruitment.


If your colleagues are not members ask them to join. If they don’t receive these e-mails ask them to drop me a line and I’ll put them on my distribution list.



PCS also has a national and local branch Facebook page but you cannot view these on DWP equipment. Log on to your Facebook account and search for PCS DWP Leicestershire Branch. If you are not a recognisable member of the branch you won’t be added so let me know your real name if you use an alias on Facebook.


Other News

Other news is, as usual, on the relevant web site.



How to get help with a personal case

Please follow the instruction on the branch blog. Do NOT contact me personally or it may slow down your case. DO NOT SEND THE FORM TO THE PCS LEGAL E-MAIL ADDRESS.


In order for us to effectively negotiate on your behalf please let us know of the issues in your workplace by replying to our PCS branch mailbox or by clicking reply to this e-mail.


My planned trip to see my grandson next weekend is now off due to the extension of the Leicester lockdown. Whoever is telling the truth (the statements of Matt Hancock and Peter Soulsby appear to completely contradict each other) we need to comply with the lockdown to try and minimise the spread of the virus.


Enjoy your weekend and I’ll be back next week. Whatever you are doing make a difference.


Watch out for my e-mail next Friday.


Chris Willars
Branch Secretary PCS DWP Leicestershire Branch

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