Wednesday, 1 July 2020

PCS Latest News - Special Edition Addition


Lockdown Restrictions

The local paper has done some good work on trying to get information on the lockdown from government and into the public domain. The web site is here. Please note that not all links, videos, etc. will work due to DWP security restrictions.


All DWP workers are still classed as key workers and all DWP work will continue to be carried out as it has been so far during lockdown. Travel to work is still classed as essential travel so staff who are currently working in an office will still be asked to travel to work. This includes staff who live and work in the lockdown area as well as staff who work in the lockdown area but work inside and vice versa. The national steer from DWP is that offices will not be shut because of the Leicester lockdown.


City Jobcentres

The further opening of Jobcentres in the city of Leicester will not happen during the local lockdown. We asked and management immediately agreed. They will continue to operate as they have been doing over the national lockdown period.


County Jobcentres

District management are still keen for limited further opening in line with the national decision. We have had some talks and got assurances about safety for members. We are working with management and are happy that they take staff safety as seriously as we do. If there are serious issues we would look to return to our current ways of working. If you have concerns about seeing customers under the new circumstances please talk to your manager. If you cannot resolve the issues please talk to a PCS rep. If you have any safety concerns please speak to us so we can take those concerns into account in the risk assessment.



We are in regular discussions with centre management and are working with them to ensure your safety. We have raised your concerns and issued a further joint statement with management to make sure that everyone is vigilant about 2m social distancing, hand washing, and other safety measures.


Other Parts of DWP

If you do not work for the Jobcentre or CMG parts of the organisation and have issues not covered by the e-mail, please let me know. I will ensure that those concerns are escalated to the correct negotiating body.


More Information

Please see the circular here which covers many of the issues in this e-mail. Please also see this circular on the further opening of Jobcentres. Please make sure that you notify PCS of any safety concerns that you have so that we can try and incorporate measures in the risk assessment to ensure your safety. If you still feel that you safety is severely compromised and we are unable to resolve this PCS has produced some legal advice here. Please speak to your PCS rep first so that we can try and resolve any issues.



If you work in a Jobcentre please complete our survey here.


Contacting us

If you cannot contact a site rep please e-mail the shared mailbox from which this e-mail was sent.


If you require representation please follow the advice on the branch blog here.


DO NOT send e-mails to PCS head office or to me personally as it could slow down your case.


Chris Willars
Branch Secretary PCS DWP Leicestershire Branch

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