Tuesday, 22 May 2018

Tuesday morning - DWP Group Conference

We kick off an overcast Tuesday with our very own Bash Chilwan presenting the group accounts. 

All motions were carried unless otherwise indicated. 

A165 calls for Employee Deal (ED) terms to be adhered to & to oppose any extension to working hours without real customer demand. 

A171 calls for opposition to perverse implementation of ED that creates demand later in the day rather than responds to it. 

EM5 calls for hours to only be extended where there is demand & to not have more staff required to work than needed. 

A178 calls for decisions of the ED independent panel to be binding. 

A181 calls for part year workers to increase hours without losing their ED opt out. 

A198 calls for defence of the two members made redundant in Plymouth. 

EM7 calls for an increase in staffing including making FTAs made permanent. 

EM10 calls for working with PCS HMRC Group to increase DWP staffing and avoid redundancies in HMRC. 

EM8 calls for opposition to the recruitment ban and support for an increase in staffing. 

A200 calls for support for branches in their staffing campaigns. 

A202 calls for enough staff to cope with legacy benefits especially given the slowdown in the rollout of UC. 

A209 calls for an increase in staffing in Pensions Directorate.  

A213 calls for a full Service Centre method of working but with full appropriate safeguards for staff. 

A98 calls for protections for ex LA staff who transferred over as part of fraud changes. 

A100 calls for a fair system of  voluntary transfers. 

A121 calls for guidance on overcrowding and over-occupancy. 

A122 calls for counselling & support for staff suffering from stress. 

A124 calls for health & Safety guidance for staff in outreach sites. 

A125 calls for defibrillators to be installed in DWP offices. 

A126 calls for better bomb alarms & guidance on assembly points. 

A127 calls for better guidance for JCFRA and CHRA. 

A128 calls for guidance for staff on using mobile phones while driving. 

Margaret Greenwood, Labour’s Shadow Employment Minister was guest speaker and that’s the end of the DWP part of conference. 

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