Friday, 17 April 2020

PCS Latest News

Here's the latest Friday e-mail. The Intranet links will not work. The documents attached on the original can be found on the branch Facebook page and also the PCS web site.

It was announced yesterday that lockdown would last for another three weeks. It could be longer. As a union representing key workers we support the aim of getting benefit to people who would otherwise not have enough to live on. But this cannot be at a cost to the health, safety and welfare of our members. If we do it correctly we can have both.


Here is the latest news.



We have negotiated special policies for coronavirus. Guidance is here.


PCS continues to negotiate on behalf of members both locally and nationally.


I managed to persuade a friend to drop off some doughnuts donated to key workers by Krispy Kreme. Sadly this was only to our largest site in Wellington Street. I am also arguing for discounts for DWP staff as key workers when I hear about offers from take away restaurants, etc.


If anyone had a doughnut please let me know what it was like. As someone who is working from home I didn’t get one.


As key workers there is a challenging amount of work with an aspiration of a high rate of claims clearance. Hopefully managers are coming out to staff to ask what help support and processes need to be in place to help to make this happen.


Overtime rates have been increased following PCS pressure. The details must be on SOP and approved by 17:30 today for it to be included in pay received at the end of today. Your manager cannot approve it if they have gone home already so do it now or wait until May. Managers are members too and also under pressure to hit targets and manage the crisis. Please make it easy on them and each other by not asking the impossible.


PCS has negotiated improvements for members with children. Please read the attached for details if you have children.


If your colleagues are on unpaid special leave for childcare please let them know. If you manage staff in that situation please read the circular and reconsider the decision to not award special leave with pay.


The chances of being able to work from home are now improved. See attached for details.


If you have concerns please get in touch with your rep if they are in work or send an e-mail to the shared mailbox.


Please stay up to date by reading PCS circulars and looking at information on the intranet. It’s worth joining the branch Facebook group for updates circulars and discussion. See below for details of how to join the Facebook group.


AND REMEMBER in times of crisis it is more important than ever to join a union. Ask all your colleagues, friends and relations to join a union and if any of your colleagues are members but don’t get this e-mail ask them to e-mail me and ask to be put on the list.


Clap for Carers

The event still goes on. It is important that we remember that clapping is not enough. Some front line key workers are still not receiving the PPE that they require and we all deserve a decent pay rise. A badge doesn’t stop the disease from spreading. Actions speak louder than words (or clapping).


Keeping Healthy

I hope that people are keeping well and following the advice to try and avoid catching coronavirus.


But there are other health considerations. It is a good idea to try and maintain some physical exercise if you are able to. I have been walking round in circles in my garden while I am on telekits to get some physical exercise.


And look after your mental health. Some people are starting to be affected by the isolation and frustration of being at home. And possibly worse is the staff left in the offices with half or even more not at work. In Jobcentres in particular I have had reports of members under huge pressure trying to set up UC claims as quickly as possible to help the public survive. The new aspiration to clear 20 claims a day is clearly to help those most in need but it needs to be managed in a supportive rather than a punitive manner. You can only do what you can do. If you are a line manager please look after your staff and yourself. We are all feeling the strain.


There is a lot of advice on the internet and intranet about how to help manage your stress. And make use of the annual leave provisions that we now have. Please note that the rules changed this week for staff who are working and for those on special leave. Please make sure that you are up to date with this. Don’t do too much and burn out. This won’t help you, the business, the public, or your colleagues.



PCS has approved the use of overtime in a number of areas. We know that we have a big job on to try and get money to those most in need. PCS has negotiated enhanced rates of overtime including for part-time workers. But please don’t do too much. You need to look after your own physical and mental health. And remember that overtime is ALWAYS voluntary.


Availability of reps

As well as me working from home a number of our reps are at home for medical reasons. And next week we have even fewer in work due to leave over Easter. The remaining reps are negotiating with management and members about coronavirus and keeping people safe. We have now set up regular communications with managers at CMG site level and Jobcentre District level feeding in issues from reps and members who are at home and those in work as we still represent all of our members.


Please be patient at this time. We ask managers to defer HR issues where possible so as to enable managers, staff, and reps can concentrate on safety and business continuity.


The following is now in the coronavirus guidance:


You should be flexible and practicable in applying deadlines in any procedures, not just Grievance. Your discretion should be applied, based on the circumstances, to allow reasonable additional time for things to get done in the current situation. This might apply to deadlines for submitting grievances, notice of meetings and time allowed for trade union reps. or note-takers to be obtained. To the greatest extend possible, travel between sites for meetings should be avoided, with participants expected to agree telephone, VC or Skype meetings.


PCS Branch Reps

There is a list of reps on the Branch Blog. Please find out your local one. If you don’t have one on site why not volunteer?


PCS Records

It’s a good idea to make sure that your details are correct, both to comply with GDPR and so that PCS can contact you. You can use the update function, here and or log on to the PCS web site to register or check and update your details. If you cannot update your details please get in touch.


If you get an e-mail, a text, or a call from PCS to check your details and ask about your participation it is genuine. Please say hello from me and help our PCS team.



It is essential that members know what is going on in the union. Please talk to your colleagues and your nearest rep (if you have one on site). There is also information of the web sites. If you register as above you will receive information about campaigns and what is going on in PCS.



The more members we have the stronger we are. We are planning an extra push on recruitment.


If your colleagues are not members ask them to join. If they don’t receive these e-mails ask them to drop me a line and I’ll put them on my distribution list.



PCS also has a national and local branch Facebook page but you cannot view these on DWP equipment. Log on to your Facebook account and search for PCS DWP Leicestershire Branch. If you are not a recognisable member of the branch you won’t be added so let me know your real name if you use an alias on Facebook.


Other News

Other news is, as usual, on the relevant web site.



How to get help with a personal case

Please follow the instruction on the branch blog. Do NOT contact me personally or it may slow down your case. DO NOT SEND THE FORM TO THE PCS LEGAL E-MAIL ADDRESS.


In order for us to effectively negotiate on your behalf please let us know of the issues in your workplace by replying to our PCS branch mailbox or by clicking reply to this e-mail.


Ramadan starts on Wednesday. It’s a time of fasting, contemplation and charitable deeds. This year it seems especially apt if all non-Muslims join in with the latter two as well.


Thursday is St George’s Day. The day is cause to celebrate England and Englishness. It does remind me that part of the Englishness is that we are a very connected, multi-cultural country. St George was a roman soldier of Greek origin born in Turkey and is also patron saint of Ethiopia, Georgia, Catalonia and several other nation states.


Whatever you are doing make a difference.


Watch out for my e-mail next Friday.


Chris Willars
Branch Secretary PCS DWP Leicestershire Branch

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