PCS met with the Leicester Centre manager on 27 November 2014. This is a brief overview of what we felt was a helpful and constructive meeting with
Staff Survey
This was only released earlier in the day and would cross
over many of the issues. Management to examine results and meet again later.
Annual Leave
We reported a few problems. The manager was surprised and will
put a reminder out to apply some consistency
to decisions, for example, allowing two consecutive weeks in the summer
except one Wednesday because the team was over its “ tolerance”. She was
disappointed to hear this.
8-8 Saturdays
We had submitted questions as they wish to issue the letter
announcing the start date. However, this will create a number of questions for
Line Managers who will not be able to
respond until decisions are made . A separate meeting will be held with TUS in
w/c 1 December to discuss the detail.
Safety Committee
No opposition and it was agreed that we would , for
expediency, draft a constitution and send in some draft agenda items (already
circulated to H&S leads). We wish to meet quickly . A meeting had been arranged with Cofely and requested that a PCS rep attend .
Attendance Management
Stress - We said we were disappointed that the stress awareness
sessions agreed in September had not been delivered to EO & Line Managers.
We said many absences could be avoided by early intervention and if a member of
staff has the courage to say that they need help they should get it and
complete the Stress Reduction Plan at the earliest opportunity.
Deep dive visit - No consultation locally , Regionally or Nationally , though
the manager believed that there was agreement. Already escalated to each
tier. We expressed concerns about the purpose of the visit saying it was
outside the DWP policy, potentially outside the Data Protection Act and a DP
Commissioner’s decision, and that it may breach trust between line managers and
their team members. We supported her raising
managers’ awareness and helping to get the process right, but not
necessarily delving into cases, particularly stressful ones, where members may
be asked to revisit sensitive issues. We suggested if there was an issue it
should be resolved locally.
Plan, Commit, Deliver
Already started on New Claims. We asked what value it added
to the business and when staff are already stressed it may add to their
concerns it not hitting their “PLEDGE”. TUS were invited to a delivery session.
TDA advert
TUS said it was run over too short a period that would
exclude many off for half term, breaching Equality aims. Indeed there was no
equality statement with the advert. We stated that training and
support would be needed to deal with the many HR aspects. It would be sensible
to avoid using TDA staff to cover on the more challenging teams. It was not considered to be a one off exercise and will be
repeated in the future.
Letter still not issued despite being told it would
be issued by 15/11/14. We pushed for this to be pursued.
Use of TU room
Work Services still “booking “the room. Possible room can be
locked and keys available for TUS reps only? Further discussions to follow.
Reasonable Adjustment
TUS recommended all staff with adjustments complete as a
personal record and saving of business time . We agreed to forward to
Management to discuss and consider. the link is attached . it was only issued
via the Equality and Diversity site on the DWP intranet.
TUS requested the Equality and Diversity data for last
year (2013-14) - performance ratings broken down by gender , working pattern ,
ethnicity , disability , age and grade.
Organisational changes announcement
We thanked the manager for taking our suggestions
up and for the way she conducted the floor meetings. Members had fed back to
reps that the news was welcome and it
had lifted some of the frustration around everything having arrears linked.
Disclosure of individuals’ working patterns
via the template
had received complaints that there was no need for that.