Tuesday, 20 December 2011

Why PCS had to reject the pension offer

PCS have rejected the government's latest offer on pensions. Why? Because it was no different to what was on offer before November 30th, when millions (including thousands of PCS members) took action. The deal would still see you working longer, paying more and receiving less. In short, the government still want to steal money from your pocket when your pension is a contractual agreement between your employer and you.

The fact that some union leaders seem to fail to understand this is a gross dereliction of their duty to their members, many of whom will not share the view that the deals on the table are improvements and may express this quite angrily. The fact remains, however, that our General Secretary, Mark Serwotka, and our National Executive Committee have not succumbed to government blackmail and have called things by their proper name: this is not a deal worth the paper it is written on and acceptance of such a deal would be a complete betrayal of the sacrifice members have already made.

In the coming days, the government will attempt to appeal over the heads of PCS to you to accept their terms. A government that just last week arbitrarily decided to raise your pension contributions from April next year; showing what they really think about a negotiated settlement. You need to remain strong and tell the government:

I'm not willing to work longer, pay more and receive less.
I'm not willing for the government to steal money from my pocket when I have a contractual agreement.
I support my union's rejection of the proposed deal offered to PCS placed under duress.

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