Sunday, 4 July 2010

New assault on compensation scheme

The con-dems are trying to distance themselves from making 40% cuts, but late last night it was announced that the Government intend to press ahead with what they believe are legal reforms to the Civil Service Compensation Scheme. We knew it was coming, didn't we?

Members have a choice and it's the biggest choice you've ever had. We stand by and watch our jobs and the services we provide destroyed by a Government without a mandate to make such savage cuts or we get up off our knees and join with millions of others all over Europe to protect what our mothers, fathers, grandmothers, grandfathers and generations before them fought for.

We are not all in this together. The richest 30 people in Britain have done very well during the financial crisis and it's us who are paying for their wealth. This was a crisis not caused by ordinary people, but banks playing the financial casinos and then asking us to cover their debts. It must for be them to pay, not us.

Remember the tax gap in Britain is now estimated as £120bn. If we were all in it together, the Government would collect the 30 per cent of this that is available for collection (except New Labour have cut colleagues in HMRC) and chase the other 70 per cent that evade paying tax; people like Lord Ashcroft who lives abroad but bankrolls the Tories. The reason it doesn't is because it isn't a Government for all the people, but only for the stinking rich. The majority of the current Cabinet are millionaires many times over.

Our branch was behind the creation of Leicester Against the Cuts and we all need to now get behind this and our own National Executive Committee, linking up with the other trade unions across the continent. United we can win, united we will win!

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