Thursday, 31 December 2020

PCS Latest News

It's that strange period between Christmas and the new year when no one knows what day it is. At least I hope it is. I’m hoping that 2021 is far better than 2020 but any change won’t be sudden.


We now have a trade deal with the EU but it’s not a big step up from no deal. We have got approval for another vaccine but we won’t have immunity until the summer. And we have not seen the last of lockdowns with Leicester and Leicestershire now in Tier 4. Happy new year.


Here is the latest news.



Pay will be a major campaign of 2021. PCS and other unions representing key workers in the public and private sector will fight against a pay freeze.


I’ll update you with our next steps as the campaign develops.


Coronavirus Outbreaks

We are still getting regular reports of suspected and proven cases in Jobcentres and the CMG centre.


Jobcentres are open to staff. Please keep your PCS rep informed of any suspected or proven cases and we will help to ensure that the process is followed.


We should now be only seeing vulnerable customers face to face and only then if we cannot deal with them in any other way. And remember we must be able to clean properly if the public are coming into the building. If there is no cleaner please make sure that PCS Health & Safety reps are informed immediately so we can give advice.


We succeeded in stopping a big increase in later opening in Jobcentres during the pandemic but are still arguing to stop the needless expansion of Saturday working. I sent out the PCS circulars about Saturday opening in a previous e-mail. If you do not feel that your circumstances have been fully taken into account please have a discussion with your line manager. If you cannot resolve the issue please have a chat with a PCS rep.


If you have any concerns about any of the issues above, or anything else, please get in touch with us.


We continue to meet with both CMG and Jobcentre managers on a regular basis and advocate for the safety of our members. We don’t always achieve everything that we want but we will keep on trying.


Flexi Credit for Office Based Workers

The one hour a week flexi credit for office based workers has been extended to April. Please make sure that you claim it if you are entitled. The expenses for homeworkers is still available as well. Please make sure that you claim it if you are entitled.


Free Flu Vaccinations

Flu is still a serious disease and flu at the same time as Covid-19 increases the effects of both. If you cannot get a free jab from the NHS all DWP staff can reclaim the cost of having one. See here for details. PCS encourages ALL members to get vaccinated unless you have had medical advice not to.


BAME Risk Assessments

Initial numbers suggest that uptake is lower than expected so far. The process is here. If you are BAME or if you manage BAME staff please read the procedure. We strongly recommend that managers encourage their BAME staff to have this risk assessment.


Green Tip of the Week

Our branch Green Rep, Donna Pellegrini, gives some hints and tips on green issues.


Join the Build Back Better campaign. Please see the web site for events and campaigns. This campaign is backed by PCS and we are on the steering committee.


I hope you will get the chance to have some rest over the festive period, and able to switch off from the computer for a bit. However, if you do get the urge to pick up your digital quills, then please take a moment (or few) to complete this important survey on homeworking and health & safety.


This is being led by Phil Taylor, Prof. of Work & Employment (University of Strathclyde) who is trying to collect some hard data on the impacts of homeworking from a health and safety perspective. Whilst it doesn't cover sustainability issues, given the narrative that homeworking will be better for the environment,  as always in our sustainability and climate work, we have to understand the impacts of all policies.


Toilet flushing accounts for one-third of the 135 litres (30 gallons) of water used in UK households on a daily basis. An old-style loo can consume 14 litres (three gallons) in a single flush, but there are some simple and inexpensive measures that save water.


Filling a plastic bottle and placing it in the cistern reduces water usage per flush by up to three litres (five pints), according to The Greenage ( Alternatively, participating water companies offer free displacement devices that can potentially save up to 12,000 litres (2,640 gallons) per year.


Annual General Meeting

Our AGM will be on Teams this year. We will hold it on Tuesday 23 February 2021 starting at 13:30. Watch out for details in the new year. And please consider becoming a site rep, health and safety rep, union learning rep, or an advocate.



REMEMBER in times of crisis it is more important than ever to join a union. Ask all your colleagues, friends and relations to join a union and if any of your colleagues are members but don’t get this e-mail ask them to e-mail me and ask to be put on the list.


PCS Branch Reps

There is a list of reps on the Branch Blog. Please find out your local one. If you don’t have one on site why not volunteer?


PCS Records

It’s a good idea to make sure that your details are correct, both to comply with GDPR and so that PCS can contact you. You can use the update function, here and or log on to the PCS web site to register or check and update your details. If you cannot update your details please get in touch.


If you get an e-mail, a text, or a call from PCS to check your details and ask about your participation it is genuine. Please say hello from me and help our PCS team.



It is essential that members know what is going on in the union. Please talk to your colleagues and your nearest rep (if you have one on site). There is also information of the web sites. If you register as above you will receive information about campaigns and what is going on in PCS.



The more members we have the stronger we are. We are planning an extra push on recruitment.


If your colleagues are not members ask them to join. If they don’t receive these e-mails ask them to drop me a line and I’ll put them on my distribution list.



PCS also has a national and local branch Facebook page but you cannot view these on DWP equipment. Log on to your Facebook account and search for PCS DWP Leicestershire Branch. If you are not a recognisable member of the branch you won’t be added so let me know your real name if you use an alias on Facebook.


Other News

Other news is, as usual, on the relevant web site.


PCS National News

PCS News in DWP

The branch blog,


How to get help with a personal case

Please follow the instruction on the branch blog. Do NOT contact me personally or it may slow down your case. DO NOT SEND THE FORM TO THE PCS LEGAL E-MAIL ADDRESS.


In order for us to effectively negotiate on your behalf please let us know of the issues in your workplace by replying to our PCS branch mailbox or by clicking reply to this e-mail.


Whichever side of the new year you are reading this I hope you have a good 2021.


Please stay home and please stay safe, look after yourself, your family, your friends, and your colleagues, and whatever you are doing make a difference.


Happy New Year!



Chris Willars 
Branch Secretary PCS DWP Leicestershire Branch

Friday, 18 December 2020

PCS Latest News

It's only a week until Christmas and we now know that all of Leicestershire will be in Tier 3. I would recommend that you ignore the relaxation in the rules over Christmas as it will increase the chances that you family will be around next Christmas. If you do meet up please take extra effort to stay safe.


It’s hard not to comment on remarks from Liz Truss, Jacob Rees-Mogg, or the state of EU trade negotiations but I’d better not. And just to be clear PCS do oppose the reintroduction of workhouses. 


Bah, humbug!


Here is the latest news.



The pay debate in Parliament took place last Monday. You can watch a replay hereRead the PCS view here.


I’ll update you with our next steps as the campaign develops.


Coronavirus Outbreaks

We are still getting regular reports of suspected and proven cases in Jobcentres and the CMG centre. There seem to be big numbers in parts of the CMG centre lately so PCS have been actively trying to keep members as safe as we can.


Jobcentres are open to staff. Please keep your PCS rep informed of any suspected or proven cases and we will help to ensure that the process is followed.


We should now be only seeing vulnerable customers face to face and only then if we cannot deal with them in any other way. And remember we must be able to clean properly if the public are coming into the building. If there is no cleaner please make sure that PCS Health & Safety reps are informed immediately so we can give advice.


We succeeded in stopping a big increase in later opening in Jobcentres during the pandemic but are still arguing to stop the needless expansion of Saturday working. I sent out the PCS circulars about Saturday opening in a previous e-mail. If you do not feel that your circumstances have been fully taken into account please have a discussion with your line manager. If you cannot resolve the issue please have a chat with a PCS rep.


If you have any concerns about any of the issues above, or anything else, please get in touch with us.


We continue to meet with both CMG and Jobcentre managers on a regular basis and advocate for the safety of our members. We don’t always achieve everything that we want but we will keep on trying.


Flexi Credit for Office Based Workers

The one hour a week flexi credit for office based workers has been extended to April. Please make sure that you claim it if you are entitled. The expenses for homeworkers is still available as well. Please make sure that you claim it if you are entitled.


Free Flu Vaccinations

Flu is still a serious disease and flu at the same time as Covid-19 increases the effects of both. If you cannot get a free jab from the NHS all DWP staff can reclaim the cost of having one. See here for details. PCS encourages ALL members to get vaccinated unless you have had medical advice not to.


BAME Risk Assessments

Initial numbers suggest that uptake is lower than expected so far. The process is here. If you are BAME or if you manage BAME staff please read the procedure. We strongly recommend that managers encourage their BAME staff to have this risk assessment.


Green Tip of the Week

In our new regular feature our branch Green Rep, Donna Pellegrini, gives some hints and tips on green issues.


Join the Build Back Better campaign. Please see the web site for events and campaigns. This campaign is backed by PCS and we are on the steering committee. has teamed up with the Woodland Trust card recycling scheme which will allow people to recycle their cards throughout January at participating retailers. With an average of 17 cards in the UK for every man, woman and child, that's a lot of trees saved. Can you send an e-card instead? Purchase recycled or charity cards or cut up last year's and re-use them?


Annual General Meeting

Our AGM will be on Teams this year. We will hold it on Tuesday 23 February 2021 starting at 13:30. Watch out for details in the new year. And please consider becoming a site rep, health and safety rep, union learning rep, or an advocate.



REMEMBER in times of crisis it is more important than ever to join a union. Ask all your colleagues, friends and relations to join a union and if any of your colleagues are members but don’t get this e-mail ask them to e-mail me and ask to be put on the list.


PCS Branch Reps

There is a list of reps on the Branch Blog. Please find out your local one. If you don’t have one on site why not volunteer?


PCS Records

It’s a good idea to make sure that your details are correct, both to comply with GDPR and so that PCS can contact you. You can use the update function, here and or log on to the PCS web site to register or check and update your details. If you cannot update your details please get in touch.


If you get an e-mail, a text, or a call from PCS to check your details and ask about your participation it is genuine. Please say hello from me and help our PCS team.



It is essential that members know what is going on in the union. Please talk to your colleagues and your nearest rep (if you have one on site). There is also information of the web sites. If you register as above you will receive information about campaigns and what is going on in PCS.



The more members we have the stronger we are. We are planning an extra push on recruitment.


If your colleagues are not members ask them to join. If they don’t receive these e-mails ask them to drop me a line and I’ll put them on my distribution list.



PCS also has a national and local branch Facebook page but you cannot view these on DWP equipment. Log on to your Facebook account and search for PCS DWP Leicestershire Branch. If you are not a recognisable member of the branch you won’t be added so let me know your real name if you use an alias on Facebook.


Other News

Other news is, as usual, on the relevant web site.


PCS National News

PCS News in DWP

The branch blog,


How to get help with a personal case

Please follow the instruction on the branch blog. Do NOT contact me personally or it may slow down your case. DO NOT SEND THE FORM TO THE PCS LEGAL E-MAIL ADDRESS.


In order for us to effectively negotiate on your behalf please let us know of the issues in your workplace by replying to our PCS branch mailbox or by clicking reply to this e-mail.


In the next week we will have Yule, the winter solstice, and Christmas. I won’t send an e-mail next week so have a great Christmas break. I’ll try and send an e-mail on or before New Year’s Eve for all those who are working. 


Whatever you decide to do please stay safe, look after yourself, and whatever you are doing make a difference.


Have a merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!



Chris Willars 
Branch Secretary PCS DWP Leicestershire Branch

Friday, 4 December 2020

PCS Latest News

It’s my birthday on Monday and it’s a big one. There will be no party, no meet up with friends and family, no meal in a restaurant, and no getting drunk in a pub. It won’t be too long before everyone in Leicester has had a lockdown birthday. And we have all missed anniversaries and festivals, both religious and secular. I feel for us all.


In the summer I had hoped that things would have opened up by now but that is not the case. I’m not going to critique the handling of coronavirus in the UK in this e-mail as it won’t change where we are now. I know it is correct that we still need to continue with measures to control the spread of the virus. In spite of the promising news on vaccines the virus has not gone away. We are seeing a second spike in infections. Please keep following the rules to protect the public, your colleagues, your friends, and your family. And despite its shortcomings I strongly recommend that you download the NHS app if you have a suitable smartphone.


Here is the latest news.



You can still SIGN THE PCS PETITION but we have now hit our target. The government now have to debate our pay. I am under no illusions that they will change their mind without continued campaigning and pressure both in parliament and outside. As the late Bob Crow said, “If you fight, you won’t always win. If you don’t fight, you will always lose.” Let’s keep fighting.


Coronavirus Outbreaks

We are still getting regular reports of suspected and proven cases in Jobcentres and the CMG centre. Mostly the procedures work but it can sometimes be chaotic. If you are a manager please get PCS reps involved at the earliest opportunity so that we can help.


Jobcentres are open to staff again. Please keep you PCS rep informed of any suspected or proven cases and we will help to ensure that the process is followed.


We should now be only seeing vulnerable customers face to face and only then if we cannot deal with them in any other way. And remember we must be able to clean properly if the public are coming into the building. If there is no cleaner please make sure that PCS Health & Safety reps are informed immediately so we can give advice.


We succeeded in stopping a big increase in later opening in Jobcentres during the pandemic but are still arguing to stop the needless expansion of Saturday working. I understand that the start of regular Saturday working has been deferred. If that is not the case please let me know. I am expecting a circular imminently on the result of national negotiations on this issue. I’ll send it out when I receive it.


There is also new guidance from the Health & Safety Executive on ventilation and air conditioning issued as a result of union lobbying. Our H&S reps will look to see if this affects how we work in all of our sites.


If you have any concerns please get in touch with us.


We continue to meet with both CMG and Jobcentre managers on a regular basis and advocate for the safety of our members. We don’t always achieve everything that we want but we will keep on trying.


Free Flu Vaccinations

Flu is still a serious disease and flu at the same time as Covid-19 increases the effects of both. If you cannot get a free jab from the NHS all DWP staff can reclaim the cost of having one. See here for details. PCS encourages ALL members to get vaccinated.


Festive Leave

I have not received any feedback that there are problems with festive leave. If you are unhappy about the way this has been allocated please contact you rep or let us know by e-mail.


BAME Risk Assessments

Initial numbers suggest that uptake is lower than expected so far. The process is here. If you are BAME or if you manage BAME staff please read the procedure. We strongly recommend that managers encourage their BAME staff to have this risk assessment.


Disability History Month

Disability History Month runs from 18 November to 20 December 2020See here for the PCS view.


Green Tip of the Week

In our new regular feature our branch Green Rep, Donna Pellegrini, gives some hints and tips on green issues.


Join the Build Back Better campaign. Please see the web site for events and campaigns. This campaign is backed by PCS and we are on the steering committee.


Looking for the eco-friendliest Christmas tree option? Real Christmas trees are much more sustainable than artificial alternatives. In fact, one study concluded you'd have to use your fake fir for 20 years for it to be greener. That said, seven million real trees will be dumped in January rather than recycled.


If you buy a tree, ensure it’s been grown as locally as possible look out for the ‘Grown in Britain’ label or Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) ‘seal of approval’, both of which guarantee your tree has been grown to set environmental standards. 


After Christmas, go to recyclenow to find out about drop-off points in your area, where your old tree will be recycled into chippings for local parks and woodland areas. Alternatively, take it to your local dump where you can add it to the other green waste or chop it up and stack the wood in your garden to create a habitat for birds and bugs.



REMEMBER in times of crisis it is more important than ever to join a union. Ask all your colleagues, friends and relations to join a union and if any of your colleagues are members but don’t get this e-mail ask them to e-mail me and ask to be put on the list.


PCS Branch Reps

There is a list of reps on the Branch Blog. Please find out your local one. If you don’t have one on site why not volunteer?


PCS Records

It’s a good idea to make sure that your details are correct, both to comply with GDPR and so that PCS can contact you. You can use the update function, here and or log on to the PCS web site to register or check and update your details. If you cannot update your details please get in touch.


If you get an e-mail, a text, or a call from PCS to check your details and ask about your participation it is genuine. Please say hello from me and help our PCS team.



It is essential that members know what is going on in the union. Please talk to your colleagues and your nearest rep (if you have one on site). There is also information of the web sites. If you register as above you will receive information about campaigns and what is going on in PCS.



The more members we have the stronger we are. We are planning an extra push on recruitment.


If your colleagues are not members ask them to join. If they don’t receive these e-mails ask them to drop me a line and I’ll put them on my distribution list.



PCS also has a national and local branch Facebook page but you cannot view these on DWP equipment. Log on to your Facebook account and search for PCS DWP Leicestershire Branch. If you are not a recognisable member of the branch you won’t be added so let me know your real name if you use an alias on Facebook.


Other News

Other news is, as usual, on the relevant web site.


PCS National News

PCS News in DWP

The branch blog,


How to get help with a personal case

Please follow the instruction on the branch blog. Do NOT contact me personally or it may slow down your case. DO NOT SEND THE FORM TO THE PCS LEGAL E-MAIL ADDRESS.


In order for us to effectively negotiate on your behalf please let us know of the issues in your workplace by replying to our PCS branch mailbox or by clicking reply to this e-mail.


Hannukah begins on Thursday. Chag sameach to all who are celebrating it. I’ll wander up to Victoria park to look at the menorah when some of the candles are lit.


Wednesday is international anti-corruption day. You’ll have to guess what I would like to say as I don’t want to get sacked. It wouldn’t be about anyone working in DWP in Leicestershire, though, as I love you all.


Stay safe, look after yourself, and whatever you are doing make a difference.



Chris Willars 
Branch Secretary PCS DWP Leicestershire Branch

Friday, 20 November 2020

PCS Latest News

National party politics in the UK has reached fever pitch. I’m going to be restrained and stay out of it. A piece of news that may have slipped under your radar is that a new public sector pay freeze may be introduced. It looks like many of those key workers that we all came out of our houses to clap (including ourselves) will be the ones to suffer financially for the Covid crisis while those who made a mint from people’s suffering will continue to get even richer still. We can’t let this happen without a fight. Sign our petition below even if you don’t do anything else.


And remember that in spite of promising news on vaccines that the virus has not gone away. We are seeing a second spike in infections. Please keep following the rules to protect the public, your colleagues, your friends, and your family. And despite its shortcomings I strongly recommend that you download the NHS app if you have a suitable smartphone.


Here is the latest news.



Please, please, please SIGN THE PCS PETITION. Do it NOW. Ask your colleagues to sign, ask your friends to sign, ask your family to sign. Drag the government to the negotiating table. We have had a fantastic response but we still need more signatures.


Coronavirus Outbreaks

We are still getting regular reports of suspected and proven cases in Jobcentres and the CMG centre. Mostly the procedures work but it can sometimes be chaotic. If you are a manager please get PCS reps involved at the earliest opportunity so that we can help.


Jobcentres are open to staff again. I’m hoping that we have got in control of the outbreaks among staff for now. Please keep you PCS rep informed of any suspected or proven cases and we will help to ensure that the process is followed.


We should now be only seeing vulnerable customers face to face and only then if we cannot deal with them in any other way. And remember we must be able to clean properly if the public are coming into the building. If there is no cleaner please make sure that PCS Health & Safety reps are informed immediately so we can give advice.


We are still seeking further clarification on use of the Covid-19 app at work and will let everyone know the results when negotiations are complete.


We succeeded in stopping a big increase in later opening in Jobcentres during the pandemic but are still arguing to stop the needless expansion of Saturday working. But progress is slow.


If you have any concerns please get in touch with us.


We continue to meet with both CMG and Jobcentre managers on a regular basis and advocate for the safety of our members. We don’t always achieve everything that we want but we will keep on trying.


Festive Leave

I attached a circular a couple of weeks ago for the festive leave position in Jobcentres. I would hope that CMG also try and maximise leave over Christmas and the New Year. If you do not think that the policy is being applied correctly please contact you rep or let us know by e-mail.


BAME Risk Assessments

Initial numbers suggest that uptake is lower than expected so far. The process is here. If you are BAME or if you manage BAME staff please read the procedure. We strongly recommend that managers encourage their BAME staff to have this risk assessment.


Islamophobia Awareness Month

And November is Islamophobia Awareness Month.See here for details.


Disability History Month

Disability History Month runs from 18 November to 20 December 2020See here for the PCS view.


Green Tip of the Week

In our new regular feature our branch Green Rep, Donna Pellegrini, gives some hints and tips on green issues.


Join the Build Back Better campaign. Please see the web site for events and campaigns. This campaign is backed by PCS and we are on the steering committee.


The Government intends for all vehicles to be emission-free by 2040 and is offering a sweetener in the form of a grant of 35% of the purchase price (up to £3,500, via the dealer) on approved vehicles ( to those who are keen to trade in the diesel/petrol guzzler they house overnight in their garage for an electric model.



REMEMBER in times of crisis it is more important than ever to join a union. Ask all your colleagues, friends and relations to join a union and if any of your colleagues are members but don’t get this e-mail ask them to e-mail me and ask to be put on the list.


PCS Branch Reps

There is a list of reps on the Branch Blog. Please find out your local one. If you don’t have one on site why not volunteer?


PCS Records

It’s a good idea to make sure that your details are correct, both to comply with GDPR and so that PCS can contact you. You can use the update function, here and or log on to the PCS web site to register or check and update your details. If you cannot update your details please get in touch.


If you get an e-mail, a text, or a call from PCS to check your details and ask about your participation it is genuine. Please say hello from me and help our PCS team.



It is essential that members know what is going on in the union. Please talk to your colleagues and your nearest rep (if you have one on site). There is also information of the web sites. If you register as above you will receive information about campaigns and what is going on in PCS.



The more members we have the stronger we are. We are planning an extra push on recruitment.


If your colleagues are not members ask them to join. If they don’t receive these e-mails ask them to drop me a line and I’ll put them on my distribution list.



PCS also has a national and local branch Facebook page but you cannot view these on DWP equipment. Log on to your Facebook account and search for PCS DWP Leicestershire Branch. If you are not a recognisable member of the branch you won’t be added so let me know your real name if you use an alias on Facebook.


Other News

Other news is, as usual, on the relevant web site.


PCS National News

PCS News in DWP

The branch blog,


How to get help with a personal case

Please follow the instruction on the branch blog. Do NOT contact me personally or it may slow down your case. DO NOT SEND THE FORM TO THE PCS LEGAL E-MAIL ADDRESS.


In order for us to effectively negotiate on your behalf please let us know of the issues in your workplace by replying to our PCS branch mailbox or by clicking reply to this e-mail.


It’s Transgender Day of Remembrance today. PCS celebrates all of our members in all their glorious diversity as we unite to push for our common good.


Stay safe, look after yourself, and whatever you are doing make a difference.



Chris Willars 
Branch Secretary PCS DWP Leicestershire Branch