Saturday, 30 June 2018
NHS 70 March
The Leicester & District Trades Union Council banner is on the march along with some members of the branch. The NHS is 70 and is worth fighting for.
Friday, 29 June 2018
Pay Day Protest
Some Of our branch members joined MOJ members and the shadow health minister, Jon Ashworth MP, for a Pay Day Protest. We ALL deserve a pay rise.
Make sure you have posted your ballot paper.
Thursday, 28 June 2018
Pay Day Protest
Please come & have your photo taken. We’re meeting outside the court at the top of Wellington Street on Friday 29 June at 13:15.
And post that ballot paper.
Wednesday, 20 June 2018
Vote NOW
Ballot papers have arrived for a lot of members today, including for me. If you have not received yours contact PCS to check it’s been sent to the correct address and, if necessary, to organise a replacement.
Monday, 18 June 2018
Pay Ballot
The ballot papers will drop through your letterbox from today. It looks like the picture. PCS strongly recommends you vote yes, as do your branch. You can, of course, vote however you choose. Whichever way you do choose PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE do vote.
You can only vote by post so please record you vote immediately and get it in the post.
We have already won some concessions by just calling a ballot. If we get a yes vote we can get a whole lot more.
Friday, 15 June 2018
Pay Meetings
We can’t hold meetings about a strike ballot in offices so we are arranging car park meetings. Please ask your rep for details.
If you can’t make it find out what happened from a colleague. We have sorted the three city sites & are working on the county ones.
It is no coincidence that management changed their minds & agreed to pay talks when the ballot decision was taken, and that they changed their minds about paying the ED contractual payments on time when we met them & told them we had the support of our members.
Ballot papers start arriving next week. Make sure that you send a message to managers and the government that we are united and strong by voting YES.
Unity is strength. Together we have won concessions. By sticking together we can win far more.
Friday, 8 June 2018
Pay Ballot
Vote YES for a pay increase. The Employee Deal doesn’t even keep up with inflation & DWP are even reneging on that legally binding agreement by not paying on time. Enough is enough.
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