Complaints These were handled by Plymouth but we are setting up a Leicester/Dudley team with 2.83 WTE EOs from Leicester. It will be HEO managed via Dudley .
The centre manager met Gail Adams, the National People lead. As a result of the feelings of staff and PCS's representations, pledges are to cease. They will be replaced with business focused buzz meetings.
People OMT Paper re one to ones
There is to be a pilot to set up a roll out of effective one to ones. It is recognised they are often not happening and when they do, they are not necessarily effective. The centre manager has offered to trial the project in Leicester. This will attract some support with the delivery . Hopefully, this will help some to have their issues addressed.
Optimisation Checks We have had a few visits from a team to examine how the guidance and processes work in practice .
They have been pleased with the suggestions put forward by staff here. They are not the compliance checks that were expected.
Overtime This was offered at short notice for a period up to the end of April to anyone who had done 37 hours work for the week. This is to support the business to be in the best place in preparation for the case closure work to increase and the new 2012 sites coming on board. We didn’t ask about costs but presumably it will be paid for by the hordes of leavers from Newcastle, Walsall and ourselves (about 60).
They are looking at the reasons why some individuals and teams appear to get more calls than others . There may be some suggested movement of staff on non-benefit teams where they cannot take calls to balance out the numbers. We offered to help consider job designs.
Late Shift Rotas
Reviews should be in by next Monday . Most indicate wanting to stay with the day that they have.
The centre manager said that they will be as flexible as possible.
Car park moves in official time
There were still some issues to be agreed to finally resolve this issue.