Sunday, 28 April 2013

Workers Memorial Day

Today is Workers Memorial Day.

It's the day to remember all workers who have died or been injured at work.

Health & Safety is not a joke or a waste of time. The factory collapse in Bangladesh shows this. This government is changing legislation for the worse as I post this.

It's time to remember but it's also time to fight back.

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Saturday, 13 April 2013

PCS Policy Clarification

I have been asked by some members for clarification of the policy on help for members who do not take part in strike action or observe the overtime ban.  

Where you are not at work on a strike day but are still paid because you are on leave of any description or it is a non working day, you will be treated by PCS as supporting our action.  If this is the case we would ask that, where you can, you make a contribution to the hardship fund.

If you want any details about the hardship fund or want any further clarification of the policy please discuss it with your rep.

The following is what was agreed by conference and is now included in the page on this blog on how to ask for help with a personal case.

PCS policy is that support is a two way process.  You support the union and the union supports you.

As volunteers the branch reps are not compelled to represent members who chose to ignore democratic decisions of the union such as taking strike action and action short of a strike including not working overtime during periods when PCS call an overtime ban. 

Legally all members are entitled to representation by their trade union but if they have chosen to not support their union then they will still get help but not from a local rep.

Monday, 8 April 2013

Return to Work

PCS HMRC colleagues in Leicester return to work to end this weekend's action.

The fight goes on.


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Friday, 5 April 2013


A good turnout. Some members are started to assemble for a short meeting

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Leafleting before work

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Wednesday, 3 April 2013


We are due to walkout at 13:00 on Friday 5 April 2013. Please support your colleagues and do so.

Remember, if the government really cared about our claimants they would not be reducing benefits in real terms, cutting Council Tax Benefit, scrapping The Social Fund and introducing The Bedroom Tax.

If you don't work a standard 7:24 day please make sure that you read the guidance on the PCS web site.

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