Saturday, 15 December 2012


Ballot papers have started to arrive.

For those who are already threatened with redundancy.
For those of us who are left who will have to do more with fewer staff.
For those who will be made redundant if we don't win this one.

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Friday, 30 November 2012

Day of Protest

Thanks to everyone who came.

For those who didn't here's what Alan would have told you.

1) The government have already reduced our redundancy payments & made us work longer & pay more for a reduced pension. They are now attacking all of our other terms & conditions.

2) Management outlawed Xmas flexi credits last year & have insisted on a minimum 75% staffing level this year. I wonder what Xmas present they have in store for us next year? Seaham Pension Centre & a number of other sites are balloting to strike over the issue.

3) Management have announced compulsory redundancies & have given up a commitment, which was agreed with PCS, to try and avoid redundancies. If they get away with this I fear for the future of large numbers of staff. This is the last straw & PCS can't sit back & do nothing. We will be balloting for strike action in the new year.

Saturday, 20 October 2012

March Against Austerity 3

There are fetching T-shirts, as modelled by Martin.

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March Against Austerity 2

Some of the Leicester marchers ready for action

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March Against Austerity

The Leicester coach got there early. The march is growing.

Great atmosphere.

Bands are playing.

Really excitng. We think about same number as before.

Hopefully more later.

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Sunday, 7 October 2012

Lobby of Tory Conference

Crowds assemble for a protest in Birmingham against the governments austerity programme.

The PCS speaker, John McInally, went down very well

Thanks to our special correspondent Daphne.

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Sunday, 15 July 2012

Glenfield Hospital e-petition

Please sign this petition to save the Children's Heart Unit at Glenfield Hospital. Lives before profit.

Sunday, 10 June 2012

Political Representation Ballot

The recommendation from the NEC is that you vote Yes, Yes in the ballot. We need to fight industrially and politically.

Monday, 4 June 2012

Three Day Staffing Strike in Merseyside Jobcentres

There will be a three-day strike across Merseyside jobcentres starting on Wednesday which is the result of a long-term staffing dispute. The staff believe the jobcentres are understaffed as a result of many of their colleagues being transferred to local contact centres, particularly against a backdrop of the north west of England being particularly badly affected by the downturn. Members have previously held a series of three-hour stoppages as they seek an acceptable resolution. PCS wants to sit down with DWP Merseyside District and review staffing on a without prejudice basis. The union also wants the staff who have been compulsorily transferred to contact centres to be given the option to return to the Work Services Directorate. Talks continue and PCS will actively seek any realistic opportunity to reach a settlement but members have made it clear they will pursue their reasonable objectives through industrial action. PCS national officer Charles Law said: "The jobcentres are severely understaffed and the main aim of the action is to increase staffing levels to an acceptable level. The three-day action is a significant escalation, especially coming on the back of the extra bank holiday and shows members' determination and resolution. "We still hope we can resolve the issue." You can support the action by: • Attending picket lines. Picketing is an important show of strength and is a lawful part of strike action. • Encouraging your colleagues to join the strike and ask any non-members to join the union and participate in the strike. Solidarity messages can be sent through the DWP group office: and PCS north west regional office.

Sunday, 3 June 2012

We're on Twitter!

You can now follow us @pcsdwpleicester. We will provide instant updates by Tweets.

Sunday, 27 May 2012

The campaign goes on and building for action

The campaign against the great pensions robbery goes on. We are involved in a marathon and not a sprint and with political and industrial developments throughout Europe, we have a great chance to defeat a weak ConDem government. The policy adopted by our conference last week is: 1. To call on the TUC to demand that the Government enter into central negotiations on the core issues of increased contributions, the switch to CPI and the link to the state pension age. 2. To argue for further national industrial action on public sector pensions at the end of June with as many unions as possible and to take final decisions once the position of other unions becomes clear. 3. To build the joint union campaign '68 is too late'. 4. To organise a parliamentary campaign to block the Public Sector Pensions Bill and call on the opposition parties to support the campaign. 5. To continue to campaign jointly with as many unions as possible for the alternative of investment for economic growth and tax justice. 6. To continue to press the TUC for closer coordination between unions on campaigning and industrial action. 7. To fully support and build PCS members participation in the TUC demonstration against austerity planned for the autumn. 8. To fully support PCS Groups and Branches campaigning and taking industrial action against cuts as an essential part of our programme of action. 9. To fully support community campaigns, protests and peaceful civil disobedience against the cuts organised by campaigning bodies such as UK Uncut, the Occupy movement and welfare campaigners, and support and work with anti-cuts groups campaigning against the inequality of cuts. The italic emphasis is mine as I believe these are the immediate points all members need to note. The NEC is putting the terms of the policy into immediate action and updates will be provided on this blog and on our Facebook group page - PCS DWP Leicestershire General Branch, as we cannot give this sort of update through Departmental IT; although the employer will no doubt use that method to try and rubbish the ongoing campaign. Please refer to the blog and the Facebook page regularly and please continue to support the campaign. No to working longer, no to paying more, no to receiving less.

Friday, 25 May 2012

Guillotine Section

The Guillotine Section only debated 2 motions. Both were carried.

A72 - This motion calls for closer working with Unite & to report back to conference next year on the operation of the joint agreement.

A120 - This motion calls for support for the Hillsborough Justice Campaign.

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This motion calls for PCS to use the law to protect members from attack physical or otherwise from the far right.

This motion was carried.

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This motion confirms our commitment to fighting climate change including 1M climate change jobs & green reps.

This motion was carried.

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This motion calls for protection for members from any detriment caused by the Olympic Games.

This motion was carried.

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This motion calls for a national domestic violence policy to be developed & for a champion to be appointed.

This motion was carried.

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This motion calls for national negotiations on Next Generation HR & for acceptable HR policies in the whole civil service.

This motion was carried.

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Last Day of Conference

Last day at Btighton Conference Centre.

I'll continue to keep you posted.

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Thursday, 24 May 2012


This motion calls for the NEC to take action on inequality as carried in motion A47 of 2009 & promoting the findings of the book The Spirit Level.

This motion was carried.

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This motion calls in the NEC to investigate the lack of disabled employees in Government Private Offices.

This motion was carried.

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This motion calls for legal advice on if an equal pay claim could succeed now that there is a pay freeze.

This motion was carried.

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This motion calls for an immediate voluntary levy to pay for paid selective action.
The motion went to a card vote.
I'll update this post when the result is announced.

The motion was lost convincingly.

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This motion calls for an exploration of raising funds in order to pay strike pay for areas out on selective action.

This motion was remitted as it commits PCS to paid selective action.

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This motion changes the rules to try & make the internal disciplinary process fairer.

This motion was lost as the new wording would not achieve the intentions.

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This motion changes to rules allow for a fairer & more relevant rates of subscriptions by raising the maximum.

This would not change the amount for anyone earning less than £25K.

This motion was carried.

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This motion calls for support for the rights of women & affiliation to The Fawcett Society to help achieve those ends.

This motion was carried.

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This calls for affiliation to MENA (Middle East & North Africa) Workers Network & support for Egyptian Federation of Independent Trade Unions.

This motion was carried

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A97 & A98

These motions were debated together.

A97 calls for forging links with & supporting European civil service trade unions & a European wide public sector strike.

A98 calls for pretty much the same!

Both were carried.

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This motion calls for a campaign against child labour throughout the world.

This motion was carried.

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This motion calls on PCS to campaign against sweatshops across the globe.

This motion was carried.

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Guest Speaker

John McDonnell MP the leader of the PCS Parliamentary Group gave his usual rousing speech.

An additional speaker from a Greek trade union also gave a fantastic speech calling for a European wide general strike to protest against the EU austerity programme.

Both got standing ovations.

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This motion calls for negotiations for a mental health policy.

This motion was carried.

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This motion calls for a censure on the NEC for not implementing policy to support & reimburse costs for all health & safety stage 3 courses.

This motion was carried.

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This motion calls for a campaign in defence of HSE & health & safety in general.

This motion was carried.

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A67 & A68

Both motions were heard together.

A67 calls for a campaign of opposition to the Trade Union Reform Campaign which is trying to weaken trade unions.

A68 calls for preservation of trade union facilities.

Both motions were carried.

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This motion calls for a review of the process for National Disputes Committee submissions.

This motion was remitted as there are some inaccuracies but conference didn't want to lose the motion.

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Conference Thursday

Our delegation arrives ready for business.

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Wednesday, 23 May 2012

A64, A65 & A66

All 3 motions were debated together.

A64 calls for continuing support for members for legal redress & compensation for injuries caused by others negligence.

A65 calls for additional funds for additional ET claims.

A66 calls for more access to solicitors.

A64 was carried. The other 2 motions were remitted due to potential cost implications.

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This motion calls for a review of all expenditure to ensure PCS operates within expenditure over the coming years.

This motion was carried.

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This motion calls for the restoration of the 50% tax rate & the scrapping of the pasty tax.

This motion was carried.

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This motion calls for pension contribution tax relief to be capped at the basic rate.

This motion was carried.

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This motion calls for opposition to work fare & forced work experience.

This motion was carried.

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A14, 15 & 16

These motions were all heard together.

A14 calls for national civil service pay, pay progression & an end to pay freezes

A15 calls for a campaign on pay including publicity & trying to get a joint campaign with other public sector unions.

A16 calls for co-ordination between all groups in PCS & for a strike ballot.

All 3 motions were carried.

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This motion calls for opposition to regional pay.

This motion was carried.

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This motion calls for no industrial action by any group one month before & one month after any national action.

This is ridiculous as groups would be unable to take action for up to 2 months whatever management do.

This motion was lost.

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Radio Silence

We've been requested to switch phones off while conference is in session so I'll update in chunks at break times.

I'll be back.

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National Conference

Delegates pour in to national conference.

In the next 3 days we will deal with business which affects all the members that PCS represents in all government departments & the commercial sector.

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Guillotine Section

Here's the motions that were heard in the guillotine section. All motions were carried

A19 called for more recruitment & representation for messengers who work for BBW

A62 called for opposition to downgrading of decision making in The Pension Service.

A146 called for negotiations for a COO wide flexi time agreement

A61 called for HOTT to be renegotiated & better customer service for people who ring in.

A58 called for opposition to the use of PIPs.

A217 called for opposition to work experience where this is just cheap labour.

A140 called for more flexibility from managers in considering leave requests

With that & a vote of thanks, conference closed.

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Tuesday, 22 May 2012

Guillotine Motions

This section picks up motions that there was not enough time to hear.

It can be a bit fast so I'll update the blog with the results later.

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The motion calls for the GEC to reject blanket confidentiality clauses in negotiations but does recognise that there is sometimes a need for confidentiality.

This motion was carried.

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This motion calls for a recruitment drive in G4S & to get recognition for PCS.

This motion was carried.

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This motion calls for expanding the work of our commercial sector committee.

This motion was carried.

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This motion calls for updates to the regional committee constitution.

This motion was carried.

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This motion calls for workplace ballots for GEC elections.

This motion was carried.

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This motion updates the wording in the PCS rule book.

The motion was lost as the whole of the regional constitution needs to be brought up to date.

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This motion calls for better protection of disabled staff & improvements in attendance management policies.

This motion was carried.

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This motion calls for opposition to the financial incentive scheme & all money to be included in a pay award.

This motion was carried.

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This motion (proposed by our sister branch, Leicestershire Pensions) calls for opposition to regional pay.

This motion was carried.

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This motion calls for an investigation into the role of the often unhelpful HR Complex Case Advisory Service (CCAS).

This motion was carried.

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This motion calls for procedures to allow for collective grievances.

The motion was remitted (no vote is taken but the GEC looks at the sprit of the motion).

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This motion calls for the grievance & appeals procedures to be made demonstrably fair & impartial.

This motion was carried.

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Location:Russell Rd,Brighton,United Kingdom


This motion calls for permanent promotion of all people on TDA for two years or more.

This motion was lost as managers can choose who will get TDA & therefore promoted. There is no fair & open competition & it would be wide open to abuse.

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This motion calls for courses & coaching for internal candidates in external recruitment exercises.

This motion was carried.

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This motion calls for more transparency & more fairness in promotion opportunities.

This motion was carried.

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This motion calls for it to be easier to get a transfer on grounds of domestic violence or abuse. At the moment DWP asks for evidence of the abuse which the member may not have.

The motion was carried.

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This motion calls for it to be easier to get a transfer on grounds of domestic violence or abuse. At the moment DWP asks for evidence of the abuse which the member may not have.

The motion was carried.

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This motion calls for changes to the informal Performance Management Procedures so that members have the right to a rep.

This motion was carried.

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This emergency motion calls for opposition to ranking & quotas as part of the new appraisal system.

The motion was carried.

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The motion calls for proper classroom learning about disciplinary policy.

The motion was carried.

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This motion calls for changes to disciplinary policy to reduce information security penalties where there has been an honest mistake.

This motion was carried.

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This motion calls for a fairer interpretation of the discipline policy with more action being taken informally.

This motion was carried.

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The motion censures (tells off) the GEC for not mounting a campaign against the use of RM for requesting TU time.
A card vote was taken.
A card vote is where each branch vote is weighted according to the number of members in the branch rather than on a show of hands of delegates.
Business moves on while the vote is counted.

The motion was lost.

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This motion calls for legal advice on not complying with asking for trade union time on RM.

This motion was carried.

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This emergency motion calls for a campaign in support of a CMEC rep in Birkenhead, Paul McGuinness, who was attacked on the picket line & disciplined for it!

The motion was carried.

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This motion calls for proper consultation structures at all levels in DWP & sufficient facilities to carry out our duties effectively.

This motion was carried.

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Conference Tuesday

The sun dawns warm & bright over the Brighton Ferris Wheel.

Day 2 of DWP Conference is about to begin.

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Monday, 21 May 2012

Close of Day 1

The DLMs from last year were awarded & with that conference day 1 closed.

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The motion called for a Distinguished Life Membership for a number of people.

This included Paul Vizard who was, until recently, a leading member of the Leicester Pensions branch.

This motion was carried.

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This motion calls for opposition to the Active Operations Management tool.

The motion was carried.

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The motion calls for clear guidelines about what is and what is not included in autonomy and freedom & flexibilities in Jobcentres.

This motion was carried.

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This motion calls for opposition to
enforced contract variations in CMEC.

The motion was carried.

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This emergency motion calls for opposition to Activity Based Management in CMEC.

This motion was carried.

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This motion calls for Hospital Consultants to be able to direct that ESA claimants be placed in the support group for a specified period.

This motion was carried.

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This motion calls for opposition to DMA targets & other methods to artificially end people's claims or force claimants to stop claiming.

This motion was carried.

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This motion calls for an improvement to customer service with the public being able to use a range of communication channels including calling in to have their problem dealt with face to face.

This motion was carried.

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This emergency motion calls for opposition to Band A redundancies.

This motion was carried.

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This motion calls for a staffing campaign up to & including industrial action.

This motion was carried.

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This motion calls for improvements to the new & expectant mothers risk assessment.

This motion was carried.

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This motion calls for for improvements to the workstation risk assessment process where members without a disability do not get an advanced assessment.

This motion was carried.

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This motion calls for stronger sanctions against members of the public in cases of racist & sexist abuse.

This motion was carried.

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This motion calls for changes to the ESA WCA process.

This motion was carried.

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This motion calls for a campaign to ensure that whatever replaces Social Fund payments is reasonable & administered by the public sector.

This motion was carried.

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This emergency motion calls for support for DLA & opposition to PIP.

This motion was carried.

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This motion calls for Work Programme jobs to be bought back in house & if not to recruit workers in those providers to PCS.

The motion was carried.

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This motion calls for further negotiations to make it easier for members to take partial retirement.

This motion was carried.

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This motion calls for legal guidance on refusal of requests from women returning from maternity leave for part time working hours.

This motion was carried.

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This motion calls for it to be easier, for staff who wish to do so, to move to part time working hours.

This motion was carried.

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The motion calls for occupational health to specify in their advice, the number of days by which the consideration point should be extended for disabled staff.

The motion was carried.

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This motion calls for opposition to forced transfer of disabled staff when centres are transformed into contact centres.

This motion was carried.

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This motion calls for more monitoring of equality statistics, more training & more information & support for reps to deal with cases of discrimination.

This motion was carried.

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This motion calls for further industrial action in support of Contact Centre terms & conditions such as full flexi time, better job design & additional staffing levels.

This motion was carried.

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The motion calls for opposition to the transformation programme & support for members in corporate centre who had to go through a stressful selection exercise.

The motion was carried.

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The Emergency Motion calls for opposition to the closure of the very large Norcross site near Blackpool.

This motion was carried.

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The motion calls for opposition to CMEC cuts to staffing & estate.

The motion was carried.

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Emergency Motion 3 calls for a DWP Action Plan relaunch.

The motion was carried.

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Conference Starts

We kick off with the introductions & order of business.

Text of A motions can be found on the PCS we site here

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Sunday, 20 May 2012


Our delegation has arrived in Brighton.

We start with a fringe meeting.

No rest on a Sunday for our delegation.

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Saturday, 19 May 2012

Universal Credit Announcement

Management & PCS locally were disappointed that Leicester BC was not chosen in the first tranche of offices to deliver Universal Credit.

The branch will continue to campaign for Leicester to be chosen in the next round.

We commented on BBC Radio Leicester last night & in the Leicester Mercury today.

Click here for the Leicester Mercury story.

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Friday, 18 May 2012

Congratulations to every member who took action last Thursday. Your branch thanks you and is very proud of you.

Support was as good as ever in Leicestershire, with picket lines at most of our offices in the city and county.

This action is in everyone's interest. We are fighting to defend your pension, your pay and your job.

Please encourage everyone to support our action, your friends and relations and all the non-members, managers and waverers. We want everyone's support.

Some people think we're good at winning personal cases and we like to think that we are. If, however, you choose not to support your union and your fellow members, then we, as reps will choose not to support you. This is our long standing branch policy.

By law, if you are a union member you are entitled to representation. If your rep chooses not to represent you, they will tell you what you need to do.

Thanks again for your support.

If we all stand together we can win.

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Location:Thanks For Your Support

Overtime Ban

Just to clarify the situation.

PCS is calling for an overtime ban until 30 June 2012.

Please don't cross our picket lines - don't work overtime.

See here for details.

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Thursday, 17 May 2012

PCS DWP Group election results

Our report of voting in the above elections, which closed at noon today, is as follows. Number of eligible voters: 78,352 Number of votes cast: 7,086 Turnout: 9.0% Election of President Number of votes found to be invalid: 148 Total number of valid votes to be counted: 6,938 Result (1 to elect) HEATHCOTE, Fran 3,515 ELECTED BREEN, Diane 2,367 HULME, Christine 1,056 Election of Vice Presidents Number of votes found to be invalid: 121 Total number of valid votes to be counted: 6,965 Result (5 to elect) FLANAGAN, Helen 3,343 ELECTED McINALLY, John 3,330 ELECTED CAVANAGH, Martin 3,265 ELECTED WILLIAMS, Katrine 3,201 ELECTED KHALIF, Adam 3,112 ELECTED BARROWCLOUGH, Rachel Louise 2,488 COX, Joe 2,261 GALLIGAN, Christine 2,203 BUCHANAN, Tony 1,674 WRIGHT, Annette 1,387 LAIDLAW, Bev 1,373 BROWNE, Marjorie 1,334 THOMPSON, George 755 Election of Group Assistant Secretaries Number of votes found to be invalid: 231 Total number of valid votes to be counted: 6,855 Result (7 to elect) HALL, Sam 3,595 ELECTED PENN, Tom 3,553 ELECTED CUTHBERT, Christine 3,338 ELECTED BURKE, David 3,333 ELECTED BARTON, Paul 3,305 ELECTED HOLMES, Jim 3,058 ELECTED RICHARDS, David 3,013 ELECTED JACKSON, Steven 2,253 McGOWAN, John 2,219 FULLER, Howard 1,903 ROCK, Lee 1,585 PUTTOCK, John 1,333 BIRD, Nick 1,273 POWER, Declan 1,231 REAY, Tony 1,231 ALAM, Shamim 1,153 Election of Group Treasurer Number of votes found to be invalid: 321 Total number of valid votes to be counted: 6,765 Result (1 to elect) CHILWAN, Bashir 3,205 ELECTED WITHERS, Angela 2,407 PRENDERGAST, Nigel 1,333 Election of Group Organiser Number of votes found to be invalid: 324 Total number of valid votes to be counted: 6,762 Result (1 to elect) THOMSON, Derek 3,504 ELECTED KANG, Gurmit 1,966 McDONALD, Charlie 1,292 Election of Group Journal Editor Number of votes found to be invalid: 329 Total number of valid votes to be counted: 6,757 Result (1 to elect) SMITH, Alan 3,282 ELECTED GALLIGAN, Peter 2,339 DIAMANTIS, Nick 1,136 Election of the Group Executive Committee Number of votes found to be invalid: 200 Total number of valid votes to be counted: 6,886 Result (21 to elect) At least ONE must be employed in Jobcentre Plus (JCP) At least ONE must be employed in the Child Maintenance Enforcement Commission (CMEC) At least ONE must be employed in Shared Services (SS) At least ONE must be employed in the Pension, Disability & Carers Service (PDCS) At least ONE must have identified themself as being from a black racial group (*) POPE, Ian SS 4,596 ELECTED GODRICH, Janice JCP 3,378 ELECTED REVELL, Carol CMEC 3,127 ELECTED BARTHOLOMEW, Ian JCP 3,094 ELECTED ROBINSON, Sarah PDCS 3,051 ELECTED GREEN, Sharon PDCS 3,041 ELECTED ROCHESTER, Annette * JCP 3,021 ELECTED McCAFFERTY, Kevin JCP 2,943 ELECTED JONES, Martin PDCS 2,924 ELECTED HARTLEY, Gavin PDCS 2,880 ELECTED OWENS, Dave JCP 2,835 ELECTED McDONOUGH, Marie JCP 2,791 ELECTED CHURCH, Tony JCP 2,771 ELECTED CARASS, Alison JCP 2,769 ELECTED GILL, Jimmy JCP 2,762 ELECTED HATWOOD, Glen PDCS 2,735 ELECTED SWAINSTON, Steven CMEC 2,730 ELECTED RUDDICK, Siân JCP 2,710 ELECTED FERRABY, Jason JCP 2,692 ELECTED WEST, Steve JCP 2,579 ELECTED PAGE, Mark JCP 2,554 ELECTED COX, Joe CMEC 2,391 BREEN, Diane JCP 2,270 BARROWCLOUGH, Rachel Louise PDCS 2,170 JACKSON, Steven CMEC 2,157 KANG, Gurmit * JCP 2,120 BUCHANAN, Tony JCP 2,111 WITHERS, Angela CMEC 2,064 GALLIGAN, Peter JCP 1,965 BRYSON, Rob JCP 1,940 ANDERSON, Elaine CMEC 1,930 DOUGHTY, Peter JCP 1,821 McBRIDE, David JCP 1,815 WELCH, David JCP 1,801 FULLER, Howard JCP 1,679 PANAYI, Rudi * JCP 1,663 McGOWAN, John JCP 1,582 WRIGHT, Annette PDCS 1,528 PUTTOCK, John * JCP 1,330 LAIDLAW, Bev JCP 1,269 BROWNE, Marjorie JCP 1,125 McDONALD, Charlie JCP 1,109 HULME, Christine JCP 1,105 HUZZARD, Rosie JCP 1,085 ALAM, Shamim * PDCS 1,079 BIRD, Nick JCP 1,058 BISHELL, Tom JCP 1,002 MAHONEY, John JCP 998 DALFEN, Simon * JCP 987 REAY, Tony JCP 981 DORAN, Trish JCP 972 LEDERER, Jackie JCP 972 CATTEN, Sue JCP 969 MORTON, Rob JCP 931 DAVIES, Rob JCP 906 ROCK, Lee JCP 879 RICHARDSON, Jenny JCP 854 POWER, Declan JCP 821 HYDE, Gerry JCP 813 RAINE, Jamie JCP 801 THOMPSON, George JCP 634 LANSBURY, Jason JCP 429 CROSSLAND, Ian 393 Electoral Reform Services can confirm that, as far as reasonably practicable, every person whose name appeared on the electoral roll supplied to us for the purpose of the ballot:- a) was sent the details of the ballot and b) if they chose to participate in the ballot, had their vote fairly and accurately recorded All voting material will be stored for six months.

Sunday, 13 May 2012

PCS DWP Group Executive Committee elections

Tomorrow is the absolute latest you can vote in these elections. If you haven't done so yet, the Branch Executive Committee ask you to do so on 14 May. The candidates nominated by our Annual General Meeting are below. We ask you to vote for them, but the important thing is that you vote: PCS DWP GROUP EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE ELECTIONS President – Heathcote Fran Vice Presidents Cavanagh Martin, Flanagan Helen, Khalif Adam, McInally John, Williams Katrine Assistant Secretaries Barton Paul, Burke Dave, Cuthbert Chris, Hall Sam, Holmes Jim, Penn Tom, Richards Dave Organiser – Thomson Derek Treasurer – Chilwan Bash Editor – Smith Alan Group Executive Committee Bartholomew Ian Carass Alison Church Tony Ferraby Jason Gill Jimmy Godrich Janice Green Sharon Hartley Gavin Hatwood Glen Jones Martin McCafferty Kevin McDonough Marie Owens Dave Page Mark Pope Ian Revell Carol Robinson Sarah Rochester Annette Ruddick Sian Swainston Steve West Steve

Thursday, 10 May 2012

NEC election results

President Number of eligible voters: 259,039 Votes cast by post: 27,845 Total number of votes cast: 27,845 Turnout: 10.7% Number of votes found to be invalid: 845 Total number of valid votes to be counted: 27,000 Result (1 to elect) GODRICH, Janice (Department for Work & Pensions) 15,471 Elected BREEN, Diane (Department for Work & Pensions) 7,839 HULME, Christine (Department for Work & Pensions) 3,690 Deputy President & Vice-Presidents Number of eligible voters: 259,039 Votes cast by post: 27,845 Total number of votes cast: 27,845 Turnout: 10.7% Number of votes found to be invalid: 852 Total number of valid votes to be counted: 26,993 Result (4 to elect) The count was conducted in accordance with the constraints set out in Principal Rule 10A of the Union. McHUGH, Kevin (HM Revenue & Customs) 13,182 Elected McINALLY, John (Department for Work & Pensions) 12,200 Elected BROWN, Paula (Health & Safety Executive) 11,874 Elected BOND, Sue (Equality & Human Rights Commission) 11,842 Elected PRIESTLEY, Lynda (HM Revenue & Customs) 10,700 BARROWCLOUGH, Rachel Louise (Dept.for Work & Pens.) 8,823 WEST, Rod (D.B.I.S.) 7,117 GIESCHEN, Hubert (Marine Management Organisation) 6,188 BROWNE, Marjorie (Department for Work & Pensions) 6,137 COLLIS, Simon (HM Revenue & Customs) 5,627 MOLONEY, John (Department for Transport) 4,177 Ordinary Members Number of eligible voters: 259,039 Votes cast by post: 27,845 Total number of votes cast: 27,845 Turnout: 10.7% Number of votes found to be invalid: 543 Total number of valid votes to be counted: 27,302 Result (30 to elect) The count was conducted in accordance with the constraints set out in Principal Rule 10A of the Union. MERRY, Lorna (HM Revenue & Customs) 12,594 Elected FLANAGAN, Helen (Department for Work & Pensions) 12,414 Elected WESLEY, Hector (HM Revenue & Customs) 12,238 Elected McFADDEN, Dominic (HM Revenue & Customs) 12,203 Elected FERGUSON, Mary (Department for Work & Pensions) 11,881 Elected BRYANT, Clive (HM Revenue & Customs) 11,859 Elected GREEN, Jackie (Ministry of Justice) 11,562 Elected KELLY, Emily (Land Registry) 11,520 Elected ALBERT, Ian (Department for Work & Pensions) 11,452 Elected GEDLING, Cheryl (Scottish Government) 11,432 Elected LICENSE, Neil (HM Revenue & Customs) 11,429 Elected HALL, Sam (Department for Work & Pensions) 11,145 Elected DENNIS, Alan (Ministry of Defence) 11,088 Elected WILLIAMS, Paul (Driving Standards Agency) 10,799 Elected THOMSON, Derek (Department for Work & Pensions) 10,710 Elected CROSSLAND, Ian (Department for Work & Pensions) 10,608 Elected WATTS, Karen (Ministry of Justice) 10,575 Elected HOLBOURNE, Zita (ACAS) 10,560 Elected KHALIF, Adam (Department for Work & Pensions) 10,499 Elected LLOYD, Marion (D.B.I.S.) 10,299 Elected JENNINGS, Andy (Home Office) 10,277 Elected GREENWAY, Kevin (Ministry of Justice) 10,119 Elected POPE, Ian (Department for Work & Pensions) 9,958 Elected JAMIESON, John (Registers of Scotland) 9,957 Elected REID, Andy (Valuation Office Agency) 9,923 Elected RICHARDS, David (Child Maintenance Enforcement Comm) 9,881 Elected DERBYSHIRE, Michael (Ministry of Justice) 9,880 Elected SIDDALL-BUTCHERS, Glenn (Ministry of Justice) 9,843 Elected WILDE, Jake (HM Revenue & Customs) 9,650 Elected MORRISON, Chris (Cap Gemini UK plc) 9,628 Elected BAKER, Mark (Planning Inspectorate) 9,544 BREEN, Diane (Department for Work & Pensions) 9,444 MAGEE, Andy (HM Revenue & Customs) 9,323 FRANKLAND-BARBER, Lynda (HM Revenue & Customs) 9,244 BRYSON, Rob (Department for Work & Pensions) 9,067 KIRKPATRICK, Robert (HM Revenue & Customs) 8,977 HUNTER, Peter (HM Revenue & Customs) 8,774 McGOWAN, John (Department for Work & Pensions) 8,634 BARROWCLOUGH, Rachel Louise (D.W.P.) 8,181 DODD, Owen (Home Office) 8,111 GALLIGAN, Christine (Department for Work & Pensions) 7,986 KANG, Gurmit (Department for Work & Pensions) 7,831 GAULT, Martin (HM Revenue & Customs) 7,732 COVINGTON, Mary (D.B.I.S.) 7,698 PRIESTLEY, Lynda (HM Revenue & Customs) 7,212 HUZZARD, Rosie (Department for Work & Pensions) 7,185 FULLER, Howard (Department for Work & Pensions) 7,160 HASKINGS, James (Cabinet Office) 7,133 GIESCHEN, Hubert (Marine Management Organisation) 7,107 WEST, Rod (D.B.I.S) 6,685 REYNOLDS, James (D.B.I.S.) 6,594 COX, Joe (Child Maintenance Enforcement Commission) 6,214 SHARPLES, John (HM Revenue & Customs) 5,665 LAIDLAW, Bev (Department for Work & Pensions) 5,564 RIGBY, Mike (Metropolitan Police Service) 5,250 CATTEN, Sue (Department for Work & Pensions) 5,201 DORAN, Trish (Department for Work & Pensions) 5,158 HULME, Christine (Department for Work & Pensions) 4,893 BIRD, Nick (Department for Work & Pensions) 4,791 BISHELL, Tom (Department for Work & Pensions) 4,626 EDWARDS, Jonathon (Ministry of Justice) 4,553 MOLONEY, John (Department for Transport) 4,487 IQBAL, Jawid (Highways Agency) 4,295 REAY, Tony (Department for Work & Pensions) 4,245 JOHNSON, Karen (D.C.L.G.) 4,241 POWER, Declan (Department for Work & Pensions) 4,065 HICKEY, Chris (D.C.L.G.) 3,913 MEGONE, Tim (Treasury Solicitors Department) 3,729 PEARSON, John (HP Enterprise Services) 3,684 JONES, David (D.C.L.G.) 3,633 WELLS, Matt (Environment, Food & Rural Affairs) 3,446 VINCENT, Dave (Ministry of Justice) 3,102

Congratulations to those who took action - Personal view

Congratulations to every member who took action last Thursday. Your branch thanks you and is very proud of you.

Support was as good as ever in Leicester, with picket lines at most of our offices in the city and county.

This action is in everyone's interest. We are fighting to defend your pension, your pay and your job.

Please encourage everyone to support our action, you friends and relations and all the non-members, managers and waverers. We want everyone's support.

Some people think we're good at winning personal cases and we like to think that we are. If, however, you choose not to support your union and your fellow members, then we, as reps will choose not to support you. This is our long standing branch policy.

By law, if you are a union member you are entitled to representation. If your rep chooses not to represent you they will tell you what you need to do.

Thanks again for your support.

If we all stand together we can win.

Strike Day 4

The rally commences.

Speakers from the PCS National Executive Committee, University & College Union, Leicestershire Against the Cuts and Leicester & District Trades Union Council.

There were also reports from PCS Branches locally, Unite at the hospitals, ASLEF train drivers, the Prison Officers Association who walked out of a large number of prisons around the country & the Police Federation who are marching in London.

There are still a large number of unions supporting the dispute and others, such as the National Union of Teachers, are looking to come back on board.

We are still up for the fight!

Fight for our pensions, fight against regional pay, pay freezes & pay cuts, fight for jobs and fight for the services we provide.

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Strike Day 3

Members are starting to assemble for the rally.

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Strike Day 2

The support has been solid again.

We have pickets all over our patch.

Here is the line at Coalville.

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Wednesday, 9 May 2012

Strike Day

Early pickets are assembling.

Even the weather is not too bad.

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Saturday, 28 April 2012

Branch recommendations for PCS DWP Group Elections

PCS DWP GROUP EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE ELECTIONS President – Heathcote Fran Vice Presidents Cavanagh Martin, Flanagan Helen, Khalif Adam, McInally John, Williams Katrine Assistant Secretaries Barton Paul, Burke Dave, Cuthbert Chris, Hall Sam, Holmes Jim, Penn Tom, Richards Dave Organiser – Thomson Derek Treasurer – Chilwan Bash Editor – Smith Alan Group Executive Committee Bartholomew Ian Carass Alison Church Tony Ferraby Jason Gill Jimmy Godrich Janice Green Sharon Hartley Gavin Hatwood Glen Jones Martin McCafferty Kevin McDonough Marie Owens Dave Page Mark Pope Ian Revell Carol Robinson Sarah Rochester Annette Ruddick Sian Swainston Steve West Steve Your ballot paper should be posted by Friday 11th May at the latest to arrive by Wednesday 16th May If you have not received your ballot paper by Wednesday 2nd May Contact your local PCS rep or phone 0113 2005300

Workers Memorial Day

I'm just warming up from standing in the wind & rain at Workers Memorial Day.

It was well attended (in spite of the weather) by trade unionists, two MPs & the Lord Mayor of Leicester.

This commemorates those workers who have died at work, often through preventable accidents.

It is a reminder that health & safety is not a barrier to profits but an essential protection for workers.

If anyone is interested in becoming an H&S rep for PCS please get in touch.

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Friday, 27 April 2012

A personal reflection

What appears below is one of the inspirations why when I could be having a quite life I am still a trade union and political activist, an internationalist and why I carry on fighting. Homeauf deutschen françaisen españoltürkçeAboutрусскийW języku polskimV českém jazyce Savas Metoikidis’ text on the uprising of December 2008 Savas Metoikidis is the 45-year old teacher who hanged himself as a form of political protest in the evening of April 21 in his hometown of Stavroupoli, in northern Greece. What follows is a translation of a text he had penned for the uprising of December 2008 (greek original). Who are, after all, the hoodlums? Violence is to work for 40 years for crumbs and to wonder whether you will get to retire. Violence are the financial bonds, the looted insurance funds, the stock exchange scam. Violence is to be forced to take out a mortgage which you end up paying as if it was made out of gold. Violence is your boss’ right to sack you at any moment they please to do so. Violence is unemployment, precarity, the 700 euros [monthly wage] with or without insurance contributions. Violence are the labour “accidents” because bosses cut down their running costs at the expense of the safety of the workers. Violence is to take psychiatric drugs and vitamins in order to cope with the exhaustive schedules. Violence is for you to be a female migrant, to live with the fear that you might be kicked out of the country at any moment and to live through a constant insecurity. Violence is for you to be a worker, housewife and mother at the same time. Violence is for you to be groped at work and for them to tell you, ‘smile dammit, is that too much to ask?’ What we lived through I call a revolt. And just like any revolt it looks like a Civil War rehearsal; it smells of smokiness, tear gas and blood. It cannot easily be harnessed or controlled. It ignites consciousnesses, it reveals and polarises contradictions, it promises, at least, moments of camraderie and solidarity. It traces paths toward social emancipation. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the metropolises of chaos! Install secure doors and alarm systems to your homes, turn on the TV and enjoy the spectacle. The next revolt will sure be fiercer even, as the rottenness of this society deepens… Or, you can take out to the streets on the side of your kids, you can strike, you can dare to assert the life they are robbing you of, you can remember you once were young people who wanted to change the world. Savas Metoikidis This was written by admin. Posted on Sunday, April 22, 2012, at 12:45 pm. Filed under news. Tagged savas metoikidis. Bookmark the permalink. Follow comments here with the RSS feed. Post a comment or leave a trackback.

Wednesday, 18 April 2012

17 April 2012
For immediate use

National executive announces programme of action over pensions

The national executive of the Public and Commercial Services union, the largest in the civil service, today (17) unanimously agreed to kickstart a programme of ongoing action over pensions with a national s***** with other unions on Thursday 10 May, followed by another at the end of June.

This means the union will be involved in national industrial action across the civil service, health and education sectors; co-ordinated, targeted industrial action in employer groups and sectors; national and regional protests; and political lobbying.

In reaching the decision, the union's executive restated its desire to meet government ministers for genuine negotiations to achieve a settlement to the long-running dispute. The union has written to Cabinet Office minister Francis Maude requesting further negotiations but, to date, has not received a reply.

The decision follows today's announcement by Unite that its healthworker members will hold national strike action on 10 May. Other unions have already either agreed to s***** on that date or are expected to.

The action will come a day after the Queen's Speech, which is expected to include a parliamentary bill forcing through changes to public sector pensions that will mean civil and public servants paying much more every month and working up to eight years longer for a lower pension in retirement.

Plans for industrial action by the union's members in employer groups are being drawn up alongside proposals for national action, and further announcements will be made on these shortly.

On 10 May, the unions will be organising regional events and will look to work with other campaign and anti-cuts organisations.

PCS general secretary Mark Serwotka said: "The ongoing programme of industrial action with other unions we have agreed sends a clear message to government ministers that we do not accept their unnecessary plans to force public servants to pay more and work longer for less in retirement.

"The government must talk to us with the genuine aim of reaching a settlement but if it refuses, we will press ahead with s****s and protests the length and breadth of the country in the coming weeks and months. And we will continue to show that there is an alternative to this government's cruel and unfair cuts that clearly are not working."



- For information and interview requests contact PCS national press officer Richard Simcox on 020 7801 2747 or 07833 978216

- The Public and Commercial Services union represents civil and public servants in central government. It has around 290,000 members in over 200 departments and agencies, and in parts of government transferred to the private sector. PCS is the UK's sixth largest union and is affiliated to the TUC. The general secretary is Mark Serwotka and the president is Janice Godrich - on Twitter @janicegodrich

- Follow PCS on Twitter @pcs_union

Saturday, 4 February 2012

March Against The EDL 3

On the march

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March Against The EDL 2

Getting ready to go.

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March Against EDL

We are assembling

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Friday, 27 January 2012

Pensions Campaign

I went to a meeting in Birmingham & then listened to Mark Serwotka update us on the pensions campaign.

After the nonsense had died down it turns out that most unions had not signed up to the government's derisory offer.

We are currently negotiating the next steps with those unions & will get back to all members to discuss the campaign.

Watch this space.

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Monday, 9 January 2012

Reject and Fight - The pension campaign goes on

A rank and file conference at the weekend that had been called to discuss the pensions dispute was attended by about 450; a magnificent turnout given that the organisers expected about 200. There were activists from all the major unions who took action on N30.

The conference was held against the background of a number of unions, not just PCS, having rejected what was on offer and the conference heard speakers from PCS (including Mark Serwotka), NUT (including Kevin Courtney who spoke in Leicester on N30), Unite and UCU. There were also speakers from unions, such as Unison, who have not yet endorsed the decision of their leadership to accept the government's proposals and call off their involvement in the dispute. These Unison members believed that as the major concerns of the dispute had not been met (i.e. having to work longer, pay more and receive less,), the proposal should be rejected. Unison executive's meet on 10 January to endorse or reject the decision of their leadership. The TUC General Council meet on 12 January to review the overall situation.

The conference agreed:

- The government's proposals should be rejected

- PCS would propose at the General Council the next date(s) for co-ordinated action

- If the TUC were not able to sustain co-ordinated action because some unions had formally accepted the proposals, PCS would seek meetings with the other unions who had rejected to plan a joint programme of further action.

It is important that you regularly refer to this blog and our Facebook group @ PCS DWP Leicestershire General Branch (but not from an official PC)to keep yourself up to date with developments.

Thursday, 5 January 2012

Excellent News!

Unite unanimously rejects NHS pensions offer
5 January 2012

The government’s latest proposals on NHS pension ‘reform’ - the ‘Heads of Agreement’ document - were unanimously rejected by Unite, the largest union in the country, today (Thursday 5 January).

Unite’s health sector national industrial committee (HSNIC) rejected the ‘Heads of Agreement’ as a basis for a satisfactory outcome.

Unite general secretary Len McCluskey said: ”Our NHS executive unanimously rejects the government’s pernicious attempts to make hard working and dedicated NHS staff pay more, work longer and get less when they retire.

”The government’s attacks on public sector pensions are politically motivated, as part of an overall design to privatise the NHS, cut public services, break-up the national pay agreements, and disrupt legitimate trade union activities and organisation.

”Unite believes it is important to continue a campaign to maintain a fair and equitable system of public sector pensions and calls on ministers to enter into real, genuine and meaningful negotiations on the future of NHS pensions and public sector pensions.”

Unite’s concerns centre on three areas:

A high proportion of NHS staff will see their pension contributions jump from the current 6.5 per cent to 9.3 per cent by 2014/15, and other staff will see their contributions leap by nearly 50 per cent, with some paying 14.5 per cent of their salary into their pensions.
The linking of the NHS retirement age to the ever-increasing age that people will receive their state pensions. The state retirement age is set to rise to 66 in 2020 and 67 by 2026, with the prospect of working even longer in future decades. Unite is concerned that, for example, paramedics and nurses could be doing heavy lifting into their late 60s.
The proposed accrual rate for NHS staff is worse than the planned rates for other public sector schemes. Because this will be based on career average earnings, it will hit women who had taken career breaks to raise their children hardest.

The Unite HSNIC is due to meet again on 11 January to formulate future strategy. Unite has 100,000 members in the health service.


Tuesday, 3 January 2012

More untruths from a government who seem to want to deliberately mislead

Contrary to what the Intranet would have you believe, the government have not concluded headline agreements with all the trade unions on pension reform. In fact, in the Civil Service only GMB (a relatively small industrial player) has indicated acceptance. PCS have, for reasons already explained earlier on this blog, rejected the proposals out of hand.

You might like me be wondering why the government is attempting to mislead. It certainly isn't a sign of confidence that they have things in the bag as they have claimed.

This weekend a rank and file conference is being held to discuss the next stages in the campaign. It will include activists from unions whose leaders have signed up to the headline agreement. These activists are no happier than PCS about the terms or what their leaders have done. I am going to the conference and will give members a report next week.